Thursday, July 17, 2008


What a state this beautiful country is in! Just read this:

Zimbabwe's official inflation rate has escalated to 2.2m%, driving the cost of a loaf of bread to about one-third of a teacher's monthly salary. But independent economists swiftly dismissed the government's figure, saying the true rate was several times higher and rising faster than ever.

You can read the rest of the articel by clicking on the text.


Traci said...

This helps me feel a little better about the U.S. situation but at the same time it boils my blood!
Why can't the UN step in? Well, I guess I know that they can't but all those innocent people living (and dying) there deserve justice! I just wish there was something we could do!

Anonymous said...

Mark this it the 1st time I've checked out your blog & I'm really glad I did. I just finished a book about the current situation in Zimbabwe & was really curious to talk to you about it, so I thought I'd check out your blog & look what I find! It is just unbelievable that one human being can cause a beautiful, growing, prosperous country to be completely destroyed. It's amazing how fast it all has happened too. And hope seems so distant because everyone is living in such fear. What really is the answer?